Kickstart the year healthy with the help of chiropractic adjustments

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When people hear about chiropractic adjustments, they picture the popping sound of bones, which makes it seem scary to try. However, chiropractic benefit goes beyond the cracking sound and focuses on improving your spine and overall health. 

What makes the popping sound? 

During the manipulation of the spine, the chiropractor carefully releases gas and tension within the joints—that’s where the popping sound actually comes from. This sound is completely natural. 

Chiropractic adjustments 

Chiropractic care can improve your well-being, helping you stay active and healthy throughout the year. Some benefits from chiropractic adjustments can include: 

Posture awareness:

Prioritising your spinal health can promote a solid foundation of your back and the rest of your body. Your chiropractor can suggest some exercises and ergonomic tips so you can maintain good posture

Effective workout:

If you are into fitness, chiropractic adjustments can help you improve your flexibility and strength. This will create a safe and effective workout process while avoiding injuries. 

Relieve stress:

When the body is too tired or in pain, you are more prone to mood swings and emotional stress. Chiropractic adjustments use a series of spinal adjustments, which help to release stressors and make you feel more relaxed. 

Improving digestion:

When the body is not aligned, it can affect the communication between your brain and digestive system. By manipulating the spine, it can regulate your digestive problems and prevent issues like bloating. 

Better sleep:

Pain and discomfort make it challenging to find a good night sleep. Luckily, spinal alignment can help regulate the body so you can be more comfortable and focus on enjoying a good quality of sleep. 

Is chiropractic safe?  

Every adjustment performed by chiropractors uses safe and gentle low-force techniques to bring the body back to proper alignment and joint function. 

Inside our clinic, chiropractic adjustments are performed only by our licensed and experienced chiropractor, Dr Chris. We focus on our patient’s concerns and tailor each treatment to what they actually need. 

Chiropractic adjustments in Northcote  

At Northcote Health + Wellness, our goal is to treat your body as a whole and help you focus on your daily activities without pain or discomfort. 

Chiropractic treatments performed on the spine, joints, and muscles boost the proper mobility and strength of your body. 

For chiropractic care in Melbourne, contact our team by calling (03) 8899 6370 or book online.  

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